Concerned TikTok parent, a safety guide for users

Hi there  

My name is Teddy, I am a concerned parent trying to educate myself on the risks our kids face in the cyber world. My son was recently subjected to very serious bullying after posting a video on TikTok, this had a severe effect on him. 

I would like to bring awareness to other parents and TikTok users on the risks of using the app and the consequences it may have on them and their children.

I came across this guide that explains TikTok in a very simple and non-technical way, it really helped me deal with my situation with my son.

You can find it here:

I think it would make a great addition to your site, I suggest you add it on this page: 

Thank you for your time


Following up from my last email

Hi there,


I'm following up with you to see if you had the time to check my last email.

As I mentioned, my team and I are attempting to build a comprehensive resource of marketing and strategy information for professional service organizations. Our latest deep-dive article is on Digital Marketing Strategy: Everything You Need to Know for Long-Term Success

We strongly believe in the need in this space for accurate, high-quality content.

If you think so too, and you think this meets that high bar, please let me know what you think of it and if there is anything I can do to make the article better, or if it's perfect, we would love to see it shared to new audiences and linked by people like you.

Connect with me on Linkedin if you would like to chat.


Hedley Swann

Digital Strategy Director

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Digital Marketing Strategy: Everything You Need to Know for Long-Term Success

Hi there,

My name is Hedley. More on me below if you are interested, but I'll get straight to the point.

My team and I are attempting to build a comprehensive resource of marketing and strategy information for professional service organizations. Our latest deep-dive article is on Digital Marketing Strategy: Everything You Need to Know for Long-Term Success

I did some research online and found that you had referred to a similar article in the past on your website here:

This is why I am reaching out to you. I know that there are billions of business articles out there, but we believe there is a real need in this space for targeted support. 

If you think so too, please let me know what you think of it and if there is anything I can do to make the article better, and if you like it please feel free to share it with your readers on your website or anywhere you see fit.  If you need anything more from me to make this happen please just let me know.

Here is a bit about me if you got this far. I'm a learning fanatic with over 1000 audiobooks in my library and I have listened to all of them! You can also find me on Linkedin if you would like to connect.


Hedley Swann

Digital Strategy Director

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TMEA Clinic/Convention 2021 -Attendees List




Just writing to check if you would be interested in acquiring the Attendees list of TMEA Clinic/Convention 2021”| Feb 10 - 13, 2021| San Antonio, Texas|  

 Each record will contain details like: Contact Name, Title, Phone Number, Fax Number, Physical address, State/City, Company Name, Company URL, and most importantly verified email addresses.

 Let us know if you are interested and we will revert back with cost and other deliverables.





Kathleen Smith


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