Valuable Information About Moroccan Minerals And Fossils

By Joshua Rogers

Mineral deposits are a source of wealth. They are what have built great civilizations and countries. Ancient empires like Roman and Babylonian empires owe their success to mineral wealth. The same also applies to leading world powers such as USA, Russia, China, and Qatar. Russia has large natural gas reserves. In Africa, successful countries have minerals. The story of the success of Morocco is all about Moroccan minerals and fossils. This country has varied types of minerals in different parts of the country. There are also remains of ancient creatures such as dinosaurs. Morocco is blessed with natural resources.

Moroccans have the technical know-how to run their mining industry. Extraction of mineral products from deep in the earth is an activity that requires a lot of human skills and machine involvement. Morocco has a high literacy rate. A good percentage of Moroccan graduates are engineering graduates. These are the people who end up serving in the mining industry of Morocco.

Mining needs money. In any economic endeavor, cash has to be invested. When talking about exploring or extracting a mineral, the sum in question can be millions or billions of dollars. In some cases, it is hard to raise the entire capital amount locally. Thus, there has to be the involvement of foreign investors and international financial institutions like IMF.

People from other countries love to invest in Morocco. This is because this is one of the few countries in Africa that has a good investment climate. It is easy to open a company in Morocco. The whole affair can take a number of days. There is also a fairly developed banking system. Moroccan financial markets are very stable and advanced.

Morocco is political stable. There is usually peaceful transfer of power from one regime to another. As a result of political stability, the mining industry has thrived over the last decades. To carry out mining, one will need to obtain the necessary licenses from different government associations. Filing for such licenses can be done online from the comfort of home.

The economy of Morocco depends on the sale of minerals. Mining contributes 35% of the exports of this country and 5% of her GDP. As a result of the wealth of Morocco, her citizens are able to enjoy a relatively high quality of life. That is because of a high per capita income that has led to the growth of a thriving middle class and also the increase of millionaires.

Phosphate is the number one Moroccan export. This country has one of the largest phosphate reserves in the world. Other phosphate producers are USA and China. Morocco produces raw phosphate and exports it to other countries. It also has industries that transform raw phosphate into useful products that are later exported. Finished goods usually make more profits than unfinished ones.

Morocco is found in North Africa. It is one of the leading economies in the African continent. Most of Morocco is a desert. Thus, this country has little agricultural activity. Morocco was not blessed with fertile soils and a good climate. However, it was blessed with mineral deposits. In Africa, Morocco is the largest producer of lead and silver. Also, it produces a lot of phosphate.

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