Reddit Video Tips For Long Island Advertising Success

By Arthur Williams

Anyone that's actively involved in Long Island advertising can tell you that video matters. It's easily the most regularly consumed form of content, especially on social media. Recently, Reddit announced that it surpassed 1 billion views, on their native videos, per month. Reddit can become part of your own marketing strategy, too. To get the most out of it, the following video development pointers should be noted.

One of the best ways to create high-quality Reddit videos is by keeping them short. It's important to note that the attention span of the average user is only so long, which means that getting the word out quickly is vital. If you can keep your videos to under 5 minutes in length - and one can argue that even this length is pushing it - you're likely to see better performance. Reputable firms such as fishbat will say the same.

Second, understand your core audience. It's possible for your videos to fail if they lack an understanding of who they're trying to appeal to. Not only should the language appeal to them, but the content must be relevant to their interests as well. If you develop content with the sole purpose of promoting products, said content will be unlikely to perform at the level that you expect. Simply put, your audience matters.

Lastly, design your videos in such a way that they create conversation. Open-ended video has the benefit of engaging users, so much so that they feel compelled to discuss what they've just seen. This is key, as Reddit remains a social media platform at its core. In other words, if your videos don't compel others to speak to each other, then it's in your best interest to go back to the drawing board and see what can be improved.

These are just a few ways to create videos that make an impact on Reddit. Social media is home to an array of content, some types performing better than others, which is why it's essential to focus on quality. Even if you have the capability to create multiple videos, there's a possibility that not all of them will perform. If you commit to a single video that's capable of attracting more viewers and creating more engagement, it will have considerably more value.

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